Friday 14 December 2012

 PRAYER - "Whatsoever" 

An unsaved businessman called a preacher I know, with a desperate need. His business was failing, and he needed a miracle. The preacher wanted to demonstrate God's power to the man, so he prayed. That week, a tornado totally destroyed the businessman's business. He collected the insurance benefits, and started a well-capitalized brand new business. I heard that story, and needed a new roof, so I prayed. A hailstorm came. The insurance paid for a new roof. 

Matthew 21:22 - "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

1. Has God refuse to answer prayers? Bible
2. Does God send storms? Bible
3. Does God have a store house for hail?  Bible

PRINCIPALS - "Cherub at the Gate"

Apart from Lucifer, the first angels in the Bible were the Cherubims with the flaming sword that guarded the gate to Eden. Angels are said to be ministering spirits for those who shall be the heirs of salvation. Those cherubs were preserving eternal life for those who will properly have it; for you and me.

Genesis 3:24 - "So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life."

1.Angels are in the garden Eden? Bible
2.Righteous angels what are they? Bible

PRINCIPLES - "Absolute Truth"

Jesus Christ claimed to be the truth. In these days of ecumenism, cultural relativism, 

situational ethics, and anything-goes, "I'm OK, You're OK!" thinking, the truth of Jesus has fallen in the streets. As a society in general, we have become so open-minded, our brains are falling out. Only a true believer in Jesus can recognize the value and potential of truth. No society ever fared better than those who believe and follow the teachings of Jesus. 

John 8:32 - "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
1.Does earthly possessions save you? Bible
2.What wealthy city did God destroy and why? Bible
3.Jesus spoke that you would know truth how? Bible
4.What are ways to know one is truly free?Bible

PROPHECIES - "A Son for Abraham"

Abraham and Sara were old and barren, but God can work with anything. He resurrected many barren wombs in Bible days, and still does. In choosing Abraham, God was fulfilling a commitment made to the devil in the garden - a seed of woman would bruise Satan. God chose Abraham to be progenitor for that righteous seed. God's high calling overcomes all obstacles.

Genesis 15:4 - "...the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir."
1.How old was Abraham when Issac was born? Bible
2.Does it matter how a person approachs  God in pray to get an answer? Bible
3.Can God still answer prayer at any age today? Bible
4.Did Jesus prayer for us to hear Him? Bible
5.Has Jesus prayer been answered? Bible

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